Cádiz Centro Comercial Abierto attends the 25th anniversary of mundocom

From Cádiz Centro Comercial Abierto we would like to congratulate Manuel Queiruga, former president of CCCA, and the whole Mundocom team for their 25th anniversary!

Our vice-president, Josefa Díaz, was present celebrating with Mundocom, a company associated with Cádiz Centro Comercial Abierto.

Congratulations for these 25 years full of innovation and growth, and for continuing to promote commerce in our city! Here's to many more years to come! 

#CCCA #CádizCentroComercialAbierto #Mundocom25years #ManuelQueiruga #JosefaDíaz #ComercioLocal #EmpresariosDeCádiz #JuntosSumamos.

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