Our President, José Maya in El Escaparate

On November 14, our president José Amaya participated in the program El Escaparate de Onda Cádiz, taking a walk through the downtown streets and highlighting the importance of local commerce in our city.

In the interview, José spoke about the role of Cádiz Centro Comercial Abierto as an economic and social engine, and how initiatives such as the "El Futuro Lo Dibujamos Juntos" campaign help to strengthen our community.

Thanks to Onda Cádiz for giving us this space to make visible the local commerce and its impact on the life of Cádiz. We continue working together for the future of our city! 💪🌟

#CádizCentroComercialAbierto #ElFuturoLoDibujamosJuntos #CompraLocal #ApoyaLoNuestro #ComercioDeProximidad #OndaCádiz

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