Paint Pink Your Support, CCCA Against Breast Cancer

Today, in the Plaza del Palillero, we have lived a day full of hope, strength and solidarity in commemoration of Breast Cancer Day.

Thanks to all of you who have come to leave your message of support in our pink photocall, and have filled the mural with words that inspire so many people.

Here we share with you some of the most moving images of the day, with messages full of love and hope. Every gesture counts, and together we make this important cause more visible.

Remember, if you haven't already done so, share it on your social networks using the hashtag #PintaDeRosaTuApoyo and continue to leave your mark of support. Thank you for being part of this meaningful action! 💗

#BreastCancerDay #CádizCentroComercialAbierto #PintaDeRosaTuApoyo #Solidaridad. #MutualSupport #TogetherWeAreMoreStronger

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